and then there was the sound of silence....
That pause was not on purpose, but rather the result of circumstance. At work I have to work with an old, a very old version of IE which wouldn't let me on blogspot anymore. Then I lost interest, then I started writing slash fiction again and then I got busy. Now, a few days before my holiday, I'm not taking any new assignments anymore so I returned to slash writing. I finished two chapters and had nothing for the last chapter, so I stopped. Anyway, that was not what I wanted to blog about.
I got older, I think they call it being grown up. This means I don't feel such a strong need for heroes anymore, and the heroes I still have, well... I'm very conscience about them being rather imperfect to the point of being childish. It used to make me sad and depressed. It had an effect on my life and my emotions. These days, I tend to just put that knowledge aside and return to the music.
I love Simon & Garfunkel, and when I say that, I mean I love their music. They as persons make me feel depressed and annoyed. Just like the rest of the world I just don't understand them and why they're still not really working together. It doesn't matter, not to me. I've got their records, I've got YouTube, a well of music, concerts, interviews, blabla, anything to get me through the day.
However, I am still using my heroes in my life, now to learn how not to. That can be very telling. I am listening to Simon & Garfunkel because I'm at a certain point in my life. There is something about them and their music that attracts me. Who am I? Why did I get obsessed about them now, why not earlier or later? Is there something, am I someone, at this point in time, that needs to learn from them now, from their mistakes? I believe so.
It will be good.