Today is my dad's birthday.
I was remembering back in the days when I was still studying. It was my dad's dying day. I was down and couldn't feel anything. I wasn't really sad, nor was I happy. I was feeling numb. Feeling numb is worse than feeling pain or happiness or whatever feeling, cause you can't do anything when you're numb while you feel you should feel something. It makes you feel dead, while you're quite sure you're not dead.
I want to talk about something else, cause I still feel numb concerning my father's death. I do miss him, but I don't feel too bad. I just only miss him during the important things, like graduating and my first job and house and boyfriend and stuff. I miss him during the little things, like when I'm showing what I bought. Things that make life being a human being life.
I want to talk about something else, cause other important things or things I care about keep happening. Like the growing of people. Like opening eyes, good wishes and actions. Things that matter, like the world we're living in today.
This is a shout out to my going-on thirties hero.