Friday, September 20, 2013

Left Overs - Mainly Brent and Star Trek

I’ve been collecting bits and pieces of interviews, forums, etc that amuse me. Some of it has already found its way to this blog, some have not. Since I’m cleaning up the document I use for writing blog posts, I’m goint to dump those bobs right here, right now.

Greatest question: Which is harder for you, playing Data in high altitude or underwater?
"And here’s another piece I love: Another scene was in Generations where Patrick and I were on a platform. Now Patrick has no fear of heights. He loves heights, and he knows my fear of heights. So, he started bouncing on the platform. It was like being on a diving board. He was killing me and he knew it."

I was laughing my head off at that one.

Source: From some interview

"His comedy isn't confined to the makeup trailer. One weekend last March, Spiner and a few of his co-stars beamed themselves into an Orange County (Calif.) arts center production of Tom Stoppard's Every Good Boy Deserves Favour, in which Spiner, as a Russian mental patient, got a favorable notice from the Los Angeles Times's Timothy Mangan, who called him "the perfect lunatic."
Source: From some interview

Yeah, I can see how that works.

"Man: …so why does a post by a woman talking about Star Trek turn me on so much?

Woman: Could be because we’re practically mythical beasts: Intelligent career women who like gaming, comics, sci-fi, and costuming.

Rarer than unicorns."
Source: Forum conversation about Brent Hazzling Patrick Stewart
That made me laugh. I want a t-shirt of that.

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