Friday, September 20, 2013


A few days ago I told you about how I ordered Dreamland. You can read it here. Yesterday it was in my mailbox, personalized and all. Whoever signed that, and I initially had not much faith it was actually signed by Brent himself, stuck to a minimalist personalization. Oh well.

In bed I did a little research. Mind you, I’m no handwriting specialist, but I can compare stuff, autographs included. That’s exactly what I did. Problem with my research was, I could in no way confirm the autographs I compared my version to were authentic, so I’m nowhere near solving the issue of the autograph. Sorry for my cynicial mind. I have decided it really is Brent’s autograph and he even took the effort to personalize it, walk to the post office and send the thing off to me. So, thank you, Brent.

But what worth is a signed cd if you weren’t there for the signing? What worth has it when you didn’t actually have eye contact, maybe even for only a second?

I haven’t listened the cd yet. I want to in my bed, but for that, I have to rip it, put it on my MP3 player and move my speakers to my bedroom. Oh, I could also listen to it in the bath. Maybe a lil too much information here. I'll write a review next week.

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