Thursday, September 19, 2013

Birth of a Blog

Or is that 'Burp of a Blog'?

According to my stats page yesterday I had 94 pageviews. Diving into it deeper I found out most pageviews came from; a site that gathers data and statistics. Every time someone queries vampirestat about my blog, vampirestat comes to my website, gathers data and statistics and disappears again. In other words, no real readers, just people keeping an eye on what I’m doing. A bit ‘Big Brother is Watching You’. Great! It also explains why I hardly ever get comments.

It begs the question why people are so interested in my Data ( points and laughs) and my stats. My blog is just an insignificant part of the Internet lacking structure, goal and sense. There’s not that much to get, I would think. It’s just a mind blurp sprouting from my brains to, in the first place, amuse myself since I still don’t believe anyone really reads this. Sure, I take on different subjecs, in some cases even really dig into it, for one post only. But here’s nothing substantial to blow the roof off. There’s nothing anyone else has already said. So why would my blog be interesting to eye? Why?
Comments to the only post on my first blog.

I suspect a lot of people just mistyped: wiwipedia instead of wikipedia. It was partially for that reason I choose that name for my blog. The other reason is that my official name is Wiwik. I thought it was a fun wordplay.

Did I ever tell you about the history of this blog? Or rather its reason of existence? I think I have, but since none of you ever read that particular post, I’m going to tell you again.

Back in 2007 this blog came into existence. This is not my first blogspace, I swerved around a bit. What happened was, I followed both Mayer and Mraz around and they kept swerving from Myspace to Blogspot, then back to Myspace and back to Blogspot. I simply moved with them.

Before I landed here and put my anker out, I had two other attempts on blogspot. At that point I wasn’t quite sure about the name. The name is like a promise, like a declaration of what you stand for. Pretty much like the Doctor’s name. Those other two blogs don’t live up to that, or at least not quite. That’s my dark secret *cue dooming/exciting music*.

The first blog was a blog called ‘For the Harder’, it counted one post titled ‘Trying Life’. This was the entire post: “Trying life” ( linking to this blog; Wiwipedia) and the word “Test”. It got me three comments, fine examples of spam:

Header of second blog

The second blog was named ‘Trying Life’ and counted ten posts. What that blog had and this one hasn’t is a load of interesting links to other websites. I’m sure after all these years most of the links are now dead. Overall, that blog got me more comments per post than this blog usually gets. It has to be said, I was still firmly in my Jude Cole period during that time. Jude Cole fans are the friendliest, most sensible and loyal people I have ever met online. They also proved to be the ones I am still talking to after nearly ten years, and thus are the best online (and some even real time) friends. As a matter of fact, I had Jim visiting me a week back. I’m afraid I was not very entertaining. Sorry, Jim. Still love you.

Looking back over the years, I can’t say I succeeded in my setup, did I? My blog still has no real direction, or goal. It’s probably the reason why I can’t hold any readers. In the end, it’s only a blog…and I am fine with that.

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