Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Happy Birthday

 It’s funny how humanities need to put people into boxes can deprive you. Actually, it’s not funny at all, it’s actually quite sad. How many missed opportunities, because we failed to see the many colours and qualities of a person? How often have people ended up in the wrong place, the wrong job, the wrong team, because someone failed to see the whole package or because people got mispresented? The word ‘typecasting’ is specifically used for the film industry, but I’m sure you can apply it all across the board.

 I was deprived from seeing some really good films. Luckily, I got the opportunity to catch up. The internet might spread a lot of misinformation but can also guide you in the right direction if you let it, if you are willing to be critical and put an effort into it.

 I moved on. I firmly landed in my sentimental fase, for I became interested into another actor whose name and face I’ve known for years and years. I never paid much attention to him, because he was always presented to me as a romcom actor. I was one of those people who looked down on romcoms and definitely the actors who did romcoms. I really shouldn’t, but I can’t deep dive into every actor’s career, so I let fate decide.

 A few years ago, after a hiatus, Hugh Grant came back to my attention with films that were not romcoms. I love it when actors spread themselves, do something they’re not known for, something new and unexpected. And even though I always only had a passing interest in Hugh Grant, and it’s still only passing, I was happy for him. I was even a little bit excited to see him do more interesting roles, with more depth and complexity. He had his birthday yesterday, turned 64. Happy belated birthday, sir!

 When you say Hugh Grant, you say ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’. I never saw that film. I think I attempted it once, because it is a classic, but didn’t get through it. Away from specific films, when you say Hugh Grant, you say romcoms. When you say romcoms, you either say Hugh Grant or possibly Colin Firth. Well, here we are. I never gave the man a second thought. I always thought of him as plain looking, not particularly attractive or handsome. Not ugly either, but rather uneventful, non-offensive, not-quite-intriguing, just-there? He was just another actor mainly known for romcoms, so he held no interest for me.

 Of course, both came to prominence during the romcom fase. A fase during which a new romcom was churned out every 5 seconds. Those were good times for soppy, romantic escapism and I allowed myself to dream away on some of them. Those were the kind of films I would watch on a Friday evening after a long week hard work. They required no thinking but did supply you with romance and a promise that maybe, this could happen to you. I had my favourites, but none featured Colin. No, I lie, I watched Love Actually, faithfully, every year, in Oktober or November. Colin’s story was my favourite. Not for Colin, but for the girl; she was really pretty. Of course, the story was very romantic and had the ‘they-lived-happily-ever-after’ ending. I accepted Colin as a romcom actor, but that was it.

 I remember Mamma Mia coming out. I remember hearing about the plot and thinking ‘Oh hell NO!’ and I scuttled off into the opposite direction. I didn’t pay any more attention to it, though I did notice the ads on the side of walls and buses for the musical. I didn’t go see it. I also heard when the sequel was released, and I remember thinking ‘We needed a sequel for this!?!?’. I did not go see it.

 As you may remember, I’m a follower and Patron for the channel Cinema Therapy. They’re fun, informative, helpful and fun…and I trust their judgement. They reacted to Mamma Mia (only the first one) last May and enjoyed it thoroughly. They convinced me to watch it, after more than 10 years. I fell in love. The film is so silly, so not serious, so cheerful and bright. It’s not trying to be anything more than fun and entertaining, and it is.

 Around the same time, I was transitioning from Tobey to something new. I wasn’t sure who yet, no-one quite caught my fancy, but I was open for someone new. For a bit I was watching Oscar Isaac fuelled by his performance in Moon Knight. However, I couldn’t find the hook that would draw me in. Not that Mamma Mia immediately supplied that, but I was transitioning so open for someone new and out of boredom I started watching interviews for Mamma Mia, specifically the dads.

 That was when I started to realize I had known Colin’s name and face for a long time but had no clue what other work than Love Actually and Bridget Jones he had done. I had only just found out he was in Mamma Mia. Oh, I was aware of the King’s Speech, but had never watched it. The first thing I realized was I had a completely wrong image of Colin in my head. He turned out to be chatty, charming, funny and outgoing. Quite the opposite of how he had always been presented to me. Then I had a look at his filmography and found out he has done more dramatic roles than comedy roles. Someone, or several someones, decided he was just a romantic lead and that was how he was presented. Having played catch up for the last three months, I now know it was a very simplistic and misdirected view of him. I’m glad I corrected that for myself; otherwise I would not have seen ‘A Month in the Country’ or ‘Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy’ or ‘Operation Mincemeat’.

 Oh, btw, it’s Colin's birthday today. Happy Birthday, Colin!!!

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