Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Looking In on Fandom

Today I was reading a Brent appreciation thread (don't ask me why; he seems to have a firm grip on me). The thread is here: Brent Spiner Appreciation Thread.

The girls, I assume they are girls, were gushing over him like only fangirls can. I thought: "So that's what it is like to look in on fandom". They all struck me as sensible beings with an unhealthy interest in Brent. It was a bit too much for someone from the outside.

The reason I post this is, people must have looked and still look at me like that, because I am the bat crazy fangirl. Only this time, I see it from their perspective.


Hilarious side note: the moment I logged onto Brent world (that's not a forum or something, but a made up phrase), he logged off. I mean, he stopped tweeting. *shrugs* As if he doesn't want me to be updated. I bet you he'll return the moment I log off.

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