Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cross Over

My gawd, is it hot in here, or is it just me?

"First Contact (movie) being all the Doctor's fault!

I want to see a prequel with Kirk, the Tenth Doctor and an alliance between The Daleks and The Klingons (both unite over their hatred of Tribbles of course!)

Or The Master and Q,.....oh the possibilities are endless really"

I must admit, the last three sentences did it. Yes! The possibilities are really endless. Can you imagine, an alliance between the Daleks and the Klingons to fight of? Oooh, and the Master and Q scheming together. Of course Q will eventually zap the Master something fierce, because he's omnipotent. What about a little competition between Q and the Black Guardian?

Okay, now it's time to stick my head under a cold stream of water.

This sounds a little like me:
"It was impossible to see him otherwise. i didn't even think about star trek while watching it. (Which for me is saying a lot, seeing as i think about star trek almost any time i'm not thinking about doctor who. Lol )"

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