Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Boy Geniuses - Blah!

< soapbox>

Just a short rant since I don’t really have anything useful to say today (as if ever).

It occurred to me that Wesley Crusher is in the same category and level of annoyance as Adric was. It doesn’t take much nor long to grow an instant dislike for both characters. They’re both supposed to be super intelligent and promising youngsters. If that equals being highly irritating and snotty, mischief accomplished.

It just doesn’t work, especially when the actor bears no super talent for acting, nor is actually close to being above average intelligence. What do teens know anyway? They’re brains are muddled with lost hormones and general confusion and the required experience is still absent. It’s not they’re fault, it’s the writers fault and also their parents’ fault. They should have protected them from pratfalls and inane bable in highly pubic tv-shows. It doesn’t work, because geniuses are only as smart as their writers who never turn out to be Albert Einstein. I can imagine it’s hard enough for grownups to play geniuses while saying stupid lines. For teens it’s even harder because they lack the beforementioned experience and writers tend to put them in embarrassingly stupid situations usually brought on the character themselves.

Wesley Crusher

I do want to like both Adric and Wesley.

No, that was a lie; I hate Adric with a passion and Wesley can disappear into the Academy for eternity for all I care.

</ soapbox>

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