Friday, October 25, 2013

Data and data

The title of this post is not completely applicable, it just sounded nice.

First "Data". We're about three or four months into this fandom and I start to understand my own position in it. I'm almost just a bystander. I'm looking in from a distance. I'm sure Brent's fans are nice and sane women, but when I read how they talk about him...welll, it's a bit too much for me. I'm past that station. Also, I found out that I absolutely love "Data", not "Brent". Data is all sweet and innocent, everything that Brent is not. Not a bad thing, just an observation.

I'm sure I dished this one out before, but this is pretty much it: A fan about Brent at a convention:
Paraphrased: "When you see him sitting there behind his table, you know you've got Lore, not Data."

Onto the "data". It's not exactly the "data", it's more the system integration. And when you're talking about system integration, at some point you get to talk about the "data". I considered writing "Data" in every document, instead of "data", because it amused me. When putting this in action, I found out I actually never write "data", but rather the Dutch equivalent "gegevens". So I abondoned that resolution.

Quite a few rather big projects have started in my team or are about to start. I'm involved in a few of them. Actually, when it comes to writing the required designs for these projects, I'm probably going to be involved in most of these projects. Anyway, there's definately one big project that has been loaded onto my plate. I actually took the effort of setting up a whole project to do it. Something I haven't done since my internships for college.

I'm sure I wrote before, since my colleague is slowly moving towards a different function, I'm taking all the projects he used to do. My manager's and his faith in me is still a little nerve racking. However, I'm going to approach this something like I did my internships, then I should be all right.

Such a shame my energy reserves are the lowest at this point of the year. I need to take a break, not only to refuel, but also because I have too many hours left to spend on sparetime. If I don't take them this year, I'll lose them completely. I'm also planning to take a prolongued Christmas break. All of that I still have to ask permission for.

Still not up to post count for the day of the month, but I think I bored you enough for today.

One bone I'd like to throw out to you; another Star Trek Next Gen / Doctor Who crossover. Data and the TARDIS. How would their relationship develop since they are both machines in essence, but with a clear mind of their own?

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