Monday, January 13, 2014

Brent Did a Show

Last weekend, Brent did theatre show. It was him and a band; him talking, dancing and singing, with band playing. I knew this was happening in January, but I forgot the exact date since there was no way I was going to attend. Anyway, I’m still curious enough to check out how things went, though it took Brent’s thank you tweet (to Portland, where the show was) to remind me. All together I found two reviews. The first is from a professional reviewer and the other one from an audience member.

From the audience member I got it was fun; the only downside was the missing of a program (leaflet). From the professional I got nothing on the show except that it was maybe not brilliant, and that he was trying to remain kind, at least. The professional one was actually the first I read, which filled me with…nothing actually.

I don’t know what Brent expected to achieve, neither has he tweeted about it afterwards (except for that thank you tweet), so I don’t how he thought it went. Eventhough I don’t have any high expectations, I suspect I would find it quite interesting.

Anyway, here are the two reviews.

Professional review: 15 Things to Do in Portland (scroll down)

Hobby review: Brent Spiner was a Class Act in Portland

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