Monday, November 23, 2009

One Storyteller Speaks

Sometimes I have the suspicioun Jason reads my blogs: Proof.


Hannah said...

pork thinks he reads all their stuff, but they're ranging on delusional with that. they view everything he does as a reaction to them.

you, though.. could be...

Wiwik said...

I hope to God he's not. I've not been very nice about him in the past.

But if he is, I must give credit to him for sticking with me.

And to you, btw. I noticed you're actually following me. I've got my own stalker. Cool!

Hannah said...

lol, stalker is a bit of a stretch. Given your planetary location versus my own, I don't think I could stalk you if I tried. But I am following your blog. I find it quite enjoyable.