Monday, June 8, 2009

RKOP vs PORK vs Me

This Needs a Blog Today

I've got an actual invite to join PORK!!! Me, the anti-RKOP-er and refuser to suck up and lick JTM's ass or kiss his feet for that matter. Yes, those are all valid features to join the club of the Official anti-RKOP. Still, I don't belong there. I would kick their ass as hard as I would RKOP's. Apparently, they don't realize I find them just as ridiculous as RKOP. My eyes are watering of laughter when thinking I am the one to get an invitation from them. It's like being invited to join RKOP's Weets. I'm a bitch all right, but I'm NOT a Weet.

What would I add. I would add honesty. I would laugh at their comments on RKOP while I tell the RKOP-ers to go fuck themselves, or the other way around. I would point out where they're not right, unfair, narrow minded and should shut up; pretty much like on RKOP. I would tell them how ridiculous they are, and with them me, for being a member of a group that solely exsists to shoot another community.

This was the private message I found in my yuku inbox:

"Hi Wiwik, Just a quick question. Why do you think you do not belong in PORK? I
think you do. Greg"

Well Greg, I think I don't belong in PORK, because...

1) I think creating a community only to talk bad about another community is ridiculous.

2) I don't agree on all of PORK's ideas, statements and opinions.

3) PORK is just as ridiculous as RKOP itself.

4) I don't feel the need.

But sure I'll join, just to tell you off.


Hannah said...

I would agree that a message board for the purpose "social unity based on a cult-like worshiping of an appointed celebrity" is ridiculous, but creating a message board that is ANTI-another-message-board is utterly bizarre. And the layout has RKOP members' pictures on it. WTF? Bitter rejects from the Weets thread? I'm confused. When did this begin?

Wiwik said...

Hi Hannah, thanks for the comment. I always assume no-one reads my blog, so your comment was a sweet surprise.

To answer your question: It started after the 2008 t-shirt design contest and I don't know why.

Hannah said...

I read through their stuff after continuing to see all of their posts and now understand to the best of my ability. Still think it's the other extreme on the same spectrum and is ridiculous. Also, I've read a few other blog entries of yours and find them very interesting. Very unique perspective on Jason and John's music and your relationship with it. Thanks for posting. :)

Wiwik said...

Thank you once again.

Are you a fan (of both)?

Could you also tell me how you found me?

Hannah said...

I'm crackedsanity on RKOP. When I first heard of pork, I googled it and this came up first. :P And yeah, I'm a fan of both.. I'm a bigger fan of Jason's, I guess, though they're quite different.