Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Vote the Bunny!

So we made it through 2012 without the end of the world. Hardly surprising, but worth some celebration anyway.

I now seriously started reading Becky Heineke’s book ‘I’m Stalking Jake!’. It reminds me of my own fandom Internet adventures. Most are reported and archived, but I feel I should now implement a theme. I vote for the bunny! That’s the one. First I was only going for ‘the Bunny’, but now it’s definitely going to be ‘Vote for the Bunny’....and buy this book...

Also, be here and here.

Before we sail off into bunny territory, here's a reason to read the book and in the proces I'm taking up Becky's challenge to sum up the book: This book is a great insight in fandom online, especially active fandom online and all the excitement, effort and pitfalls that come with it. Half of what Becky describes I've done and half of the situations she describes I've been in. You might find some proof of that in this very blog. I challenge you to find it. I think this book describes more of "What does she do" than the previous post did, strangely.

Anywa, so here’s a Bunny related theme for you all.

In the summer of some year, too long ago to remember what year, I met the Bunny. He was tall, pink and extremely nice. He was always hanging around Rocco DeLuca concerts. That might sound like a stalkerish act, and I’m sure it was. The Bunny and I became friendly shortly after. No, not in that way, even though Bunny related actions may suggest differently.

The Bunny with one eye

The Bunny and I were, and are in fact still, MySpace buddies. For some years, too long ago to remember which years, he wished me a hoppy birthday and other Bunny themed celebration days. I also like to point out, that against popular believe, the Bunny was not drunk.

Then there is that other Bunny who calls himself Frank. Frank is tall and brownish and can look into the future. He used to hang around some kid called Donnie Darko. Sounds stalkerish, and certainly was. I’m sure Frank was one of those sodding Bunnies who predicted the world was going to end somewhere last year in December. My best guess is that some poor kid had to let his life to save us all. Frank’s done it again!

Frank with something in his eye

Since this is the second day of a new year, I wish you all a very hoppy 2013.

Vote the Bunny, no matter how many hoppy celebrations or end of the world predictions!

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